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Mr. Biscuits - The Case of the Ocean Pearl

Release date: 7 February 2009

What was supposed to be a relaxing ocean voyage turns into an engaging whodunit for a little dog in Mr. Biscuits - The Case of the Ocean Pearl. Mrs. Cambridge, and her loveable pug Mr. Biscuits, think they're setting off on a wonderful vacation when they board the Ocean Pearl. But, before Mr. Biscuits even gets his dinner, tragedy strikes and Mrs. Cambridge is found murdered. Now it's up to Mr. Biscuits to crack the case! Join Mr. Biscuits on a search for clues, evidence, and suspects throughout the ship's rooms. Who is behind the murder and how does this little dog know so much? Featuring two great game modes, a crazy cast of suspects, and nearly endless hidden object fun, Mr. Biscuits - The Case of the Ocean Pearl is a thrilling mystery for the whole family. Solve this perplexing challenge today.

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Mr. Biscuits - The Case of the Ocean Pearl features

  • Solve the Mystery in Story Mode
  • Enjoy Endless Hidden Object Fun in Relaxed Mode
  • 12 Crazy Suspects to Interview
  • Intricately Detailed Scenes to Search
  • Perfect for All Ages

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