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Nancy Drew - Message in a Haunted Mansion

Release date: 26 June 2012

Follow your hunch while exploring a Victorian manor in Nancy Drew® - Message in a Haunted Mansion, a thrilling investigation featuring the intrepid sleuth.

Nancy drew is in San Francisco at the request of a friend. She is there to help renovate the friend's old Victorian manor but quickly finds out that there are uninvited guests as well. Soon, collapsing scaffolds, leaking gas, and suspect fires have Nancy thinking foul play. Why are this mishaps occurring and who, or what, is behind them?

Find out as you, Nancy Drew, look for answers. Decipher cryptic puzzles, search through the shadowy mansion, and discover the source of the mishaps. There's a secret lurking here that someone or something doesn't want you to find. Are you being lead to the truth or to a trap? One false hunch and you won't stand a ghost of a chance.

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Nancy Drew - Message in a Haunted Mansion features

  • Uncover the secrets behind a ghostly haunting in this Nancy Drew Adventure.
  • Travel to San Francisco to help restore a Victorian mansion.
  • Locate the source of unwarranted mishaps.
  • Decipher cryptic puzzles while searching for clues in the shadowy manor.

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